Artistic Collaborators

Photo by: John Cyr
In alphabetical order
In alphabetical order
Abigail Yager ......................
Aja Carthon ........................
Alex Escalante .....................
Andrew Clark ......................
Angie Pittman ......................
Anna Carapetyan ................
Antonio Ramos ....................
Bria Bacon ..........................
Brittany Engel-Adams ............
Bronwen MacArthur .............
Brooke Ashley .....................
Carla Rudiger .....................
Chanel Stone ......................
Connor McTeague ...............
David Thomson ...................
devika v. wickremesinghe .....
Devin Oshiro .......................
Heather Olson .....................
Hristoula Harakas ................
Hsiao-Jou Tang ....................
Isabel Umali ........................
Jennifer Allen .......................
Jennifer Nugent ...................
Jin Ju Song-Begin .................
Joanna Kotze ......................
Jodi Melnick .......................
Jordan Demetrius Lloyd ........
José Navas ........................
Julie Alexander ...................
Kashia Kancey ....................
Kayvon Pourazar .................
Kendra Portier .....................
Kevin Schroder ....................
Levi Gonzalez .....................
Lucy Guerin ........................
Luis Tentindo .......................
Mawu Ama Ma'at Gora ......
Meg Harper .......................
Mia Lawrence ....................
Michael Foley ....................
Michelle Boulé ...................
Mikhail Baryshnikov ...........
Molly Liber ........................
Natalie Green ....................
Nikki Castro ......................
Nola Sporn-Smith ..............
Pamela Pietro ....................
Pareena Lim ......................
Paz Tanjuaquio ..................
Phillip Adams ....................
Rebeca Serrell Cyr .............
Rebecca Hilton ..................
Renée Lemieux ...................
Sally Hess .........................
Savina Theodorou ..............
Shannon McCord ...............
Sondra Loring ....................
Stacy Dawson Stearns .........
Stanley Love ......................
Yukiko Shinozaki ................
David Shively ......................................
Fred Frith ............................................
Guy Yarden ........................................
James Lo .............................................
Lawrence “Butch” Morris .......................
Marcus Groh - Pianist.............................
okk yung lee ........................................
Tom Cora ............................................
In alphabetical order
David Hammons - Visual Artist................
Jane Shaw - Lighting Designer.................
Jeanette Yew - Lighting Designer..............
Joe Levasseur - Lighting Designer..............
Katie Mauer - Costume Designer..............
Maya Ciarrocchi - Video Designer...........
Michael Casselli - Set/Video Designer......
Michael Grimaldi - Photo Set Designer......
Naomi - Costume Designer......................
Natalie Robin - Lighting Designer.............
Robert Wierzel - Lighting Designer...........
Roderick Murray - Lighting Designer.........
Stan Pressner - Lighting Designer..............
Wendy Winters - Costume Designer.........
San Andreas (replacement) (1990)
March Under An Empty reign (2018)
Approaching Green (2006)
Butterflies from my Hand (2004)
Low (2002)
March Under An Empty reign (2018)
longing two (2010)
Thin Air (2007)
Dedications (2024)
Wings of Iron (2022)
March Under An Empty reign (2018)
The Wayne Sisters (1991)
Low (2002)
The March/Big Small Feet (2024)
quietly goes a giant jane (1995)
Low (2002)
Butterflies from my Hand (2004)
The March/Big Small Feet (2024)
Fault (1990)
San Andreas (1990)
San Andreas (replacement) (1990)
The March/Big Small Feet (2024)
The March/Big Small Feet (2024)
Sticky Majesty (2016)
Butterflies from my Hand (2004)
Approaching Green (2006)
Moving Lizt (2006)
Thin Air (2007)
State of Heads (1999)
longing two (2010)
The March/Big Small Feet (2024)
The March/Big Small Feet (2024)
quietly goes a giant jane (1995)
The March/Big Small Feet (2024)
The March/Big Small Feet (2024)
The March/Big Small Feet (2024)
Dedications (2024)
Surfacing (replacement) (1988)
Fault (1990)
San Andreas (1990) Three Trees
Leap to Tall (2006)
Dedications (2024)
Leaning Tall (1989)
Thin Air (2007)
The March/Big Small Feet (2024)
Butterflies from my Hand (2004)
Low (2002)
The March/Big Small Feet (2024)
Waving-Not Drowning (1989)
Leaning Tall (1989)
State of Heads (1999)
Summer Sprinkle (1999)
Invitatdos (1999)
Low (2002)
Salon Project
Butterflies from My Hand (2004)
Moving Lizt (2006)
Waving-Not Drowning (1989)
Approaching Green (2006)
The March/Big Small Feet (2024)
The March/Big Small Feet (2024)
Accommodations (1989)
The Sky is Falling and Little Escapes
Drinking Ivy (replacement) (1994)
Sage Passage (1993)
Approaching Green (2006)
Leap to Tall ((2006)
Wings of Iron (2022)
Sticky Majesty (2016)
March Under An Empty reign (2018)
Wings of Iron (2022)
The March/Big Small Feet (2024)
Surfacing (1988)
Accomodations (1989)
The Wayne Brothers (1991)
Drinking Ivy (1994)
Iron Wings (1994)
quietly goes a giant jane (1995)
March Under An Empty reign (2018)
The March/Big Small Feet (2024)
March Under An Empty reign (2018)
Wings of Iron (2022)
The March/Big Small Feet (2024)
Leaning Tall (1989)
Waving-Not Drowning (1989)
Fault (1990)
San Andreas (1990)
State of Heads
Moving Lizt (2006)
Fire Underground (2013)
Surfacing (1988)
Accommodations (1989)
Leaning Tall (1989)
Sage Passage (1993)
Summer Sprinkle (1999)
longing two (2010)
State of Heads (1999)
Invitados (1999)
Leaning Tall (1989)
Surfacing (replacement) (1988)
Fault (1990)
San Andreas (1990)
The March/Big Small Feet (2024)
Sage Passage (1993)
quietly goes a giant jane (1995)
Fire Underground (2013)
Thin Air (2007)
Butterflies from my Hand (2002)
Low (2002)
Approaching Green (2006)
quietly goes a giant jane (1995)
State of Heads (1999)
longing two (2010)
March Under An Empty reign (2018)
Pelican Dive (1990)
Drinking Ivy (1994)
Moving Lizt (2006)
Wings of Iron (2022)
The March/Big Small Feet (2024)
Leaning Tall (1989)
Accommodations (1989)
San Andreas (1990)
Recollection Bruise (1991)
The Wayne Brothers (1991)
A Sage Passage (1993)
Drinking Ivy (1994)
quietly goes a giant jane (1995)
Thin Air (2007)
The March/Big Small Feet (2024)
longing two (2010)
Fire Underground (2013)
March Under An Empty reign (2018)
Wings of Iron (2022)
San Andreas (1989)
A Sage Passage (1993)
Drinking Ivy (1994)
Approaching Green (2006)
Thin Air (2007)
Thin Air (2007)
Fire Underground (2013)
Sticky Majesty (2016)
Wings of Iron (2022)
Surfacing (1988)
Leaning Tall (1989)
Accommodations (1989)
Waving Not Drowning (1989)
State of Heads (1999)
March Under An Empty reign (2018)
Wings of Iron (2022)
The March/Big Small Feet (2024)
Sticky Majesty (2016)
Leap to Tall (2006)
Approaching Green (2006)
Surfacing (1988)
San Andreas (1989)
Drinking Ivy (1994)
State of Heads (1999)
Low (2002)
Butterflies from my Hand (2004)
State of Heads (1999)
Low (2002)
Butterflies from my Hand (2004)
Leap to Tall (2006)
longing two (2010)
Sticky Majesty (2016)