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March Under an Empty reign


Choreography: Donna Uchizono in collaboration with the dancers
Performers: Brittany Engel-Adams, Aja Carthon, Natalie Green, Pareena Lim, Angie Pittman,

Nola Sporn Smith
Sound Design: James Lo
Synthesis: Justin Simon
Lighting Designer: Joe Levasseur
Set Design: New Affiliates: Ivi Diamantopolou and Jaffer Kolb
Fabrication: Jesse Seegers  
Opening Performers:

  • Florida State University School of Dance: Janet Cesarotti, Bryanna Dean, Sydney Parker, Ashley Pierre-Louis, Nika Sourakov

  • Long Island University Dance Department: Ashley Castro, Chanel Stone

  • Rutgers University, Mason Gross School of the Arts: Nakia Abram, Aanyse Pettiford-Chandler, Francisca Quintanilla, Damani Vanrensalier

Complete Program Info click here

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